(808) 987-6018
Ultimate Teen Mentoring Cultural Adventure Summer Program
Live Your Summer with Purpose
Meet Our Camp 'Ohana (family)
Living the Spirt of Aloha...

CULTURAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA believes in opening the hearts and minds of teens and young adults through interactive cultural exchange. Working exclusively with partners that make a difference and changing lives allows CIA to help create new leaders of our future. The CIA was developed from many different company leaders that got "tired" of the whole tour business to just be about the money, and not about the teens. After years of designing teen based tours, and real life cultural experience, CIA opened their hearts to the teens who truly wish to make a difference in their own lives as well as others. We invite YOU to be part of our journey through life as we change the lives of others. Teens are encouraged and taught how to find and get the best out of their experiences. Guiding the teens to their own success is our priority.
Ready to Make Foot Prints in the Hawaiian Sands Worth Following with US?
We are here to help guide your teen through their journey of learning more about themselves, building relationships, learning to overcome challenges as they become future leaders. Our program is designed to help them learn how to get the most out of everything they will encounter and to explore their own style of changing the world. Becoming an independent individual is an important step to being the next life changer... we want to be part of their reason to pursue their dreams. As our world changes, we strive in creating the leaders of change for the betterment of the world around us.
Here is who will be helping you along your Hawaiian journey

Magin Patrick

Magin Patrick is not only known for her awards and her passion to save the world on her own, but she is also a mom of 4. Since she had the privilege of raising her 4 teens as a single mom, she understands the importance of care they require. This means when you send your teen on this tour….you are sending them to the loving and strict hands of a mom. She has earned her master's degree in psychology and a BA in business, although now she left all that behind on her quest to make this summer camp a reality for so many. Her hobbies include caring for homeless children and implementing a fun and rewarding program for your teens.
Kalipa Kama

Co-Founder/Educational Director
Kalipa Kama is a retired educator. His specialty is with middle and high school youth in a special Hawaiian Heritage program. This program was designed to encourage and help the native Hawaiians succeed and keep their culture throughout their school years. Kalipa enjoyed coaching baseball and took his team to state championships. All these team building and leadership skills help to make our teen mentoring program a success. As a Hawaiian raised in his culture, he is excited to share all his aloha and open his island home to all of you. Bringing the true spirit of Aloha to life throughout the program.
His hobbies are playing music, surfing and fishing.
Kassy manulele

Camp Counselor/Teen Staff
Kassy Manuele has a double major in Art Therapy and Psychology from UH Manoa, Hawai'i. She is a self-starter and very outgoing, which makes a perfect teen group leader.
Her hobbies include working out, learning about nutrition, and of course shopping.
She too is a mom and very dedicated to the homeless children and developing the summer camp.
While she was studying psychology, we were able to complete her practicum with our internship program. She, like many other college students have been able to change their lives while helping to develop new teen leaders.
She currently works as a psychologist and life behavioral coach.
Natasha Mae

Youth Supervisor
Natasha Mae has an amazing heart for the well-being of the homeless children and will be the full-time supervisor while we work with the children.
She is a professional artist and entrepreneur working on her English Major.
She has been the day camp supervisor for 8 years. Her position also serves as personal assistant to the camp director.
Her hobbies include swimming, hiking, exploring and traveling the world.
Our other camp support will be comprised of college interns that are working on their practicums, or community leaders. Our camp buddies (the homeless children) will have their own staff and supervision. In addition, we have two interns that will be working towards their educational success and will be hands on throughout the camp.
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